Library Services

  • Books
  • Movies 
  • Non-fiction Movies and Audio-books 
  • Computer/Internet Access/Wifi
  • Copying Machine

Library Cards

Library cards are available free of charge to all Wisconsin residents. Children under the age of 16 must have a parent/legal guardian signature. Identification is required. Materials cannot be checked out until a MORE library card has been issued.

Lost or damaged items

When an item is lost or damaged, the patron will have to pay the full retail price. The librarian will decide if the item will be replaced.  The retail price that is designated in the catalog will be used.  This price includes processing charges. 

If the item is found within 30 days, and it is returned to the librarian in good condition…the price paid for the lost item will be refunded. If the item is from another MORE library, their lost and damage rules apply.

Checks made out to the appropriate MORE library for the price of the item + any processing costs & must be sent to that MORE library before the item will be cleared.